Boutique & Bespoke

We exclusively only work with individuals who harbor genuine passion for security work or possess law enforcement and/or military aspirations.

Mission statement
We deliver security professionals that are an extension of your brand.
Why us
Person Environment Fit
We look for naturally outgoing and personable guards for site’s that are guest and interaction-heavy and require a lot of communication. We install introverted, attentive guards for venues that require singular CCTV monitoring. We source larger, more mature and cool-headed guards for site’s with alcohol and younger crowds. We source Use-of-Force trained guards for more demanding and sensitive details. We customize the candidate to the client.

Tactful Training
We groom our guards into socially-savvy, emotionally-intelligent personnel that can diffuse and de-escalate via reading and employing body language, tonality, frame control and NLP methodologies. We also introduce our guards to Verbal Judo – same as used by Police Officers. Such training forms the base of our proactive, customer service-centric, communication-oriented approach.
Why work with us ?
Because working with us isn’t even working with us, we do all the work.
We understand the gravity and fragility of your safety and work synergistically with you to overhaul your security operation, identify and remedy any lapses and formulate an airtight security plan designed around the needs of your property, patrons and priorities.
Why work with us
Our 5-Step Solution

Advisory Audit
We meticulously fine-tooth comb your current operation, highlighting key levers of deficiencies.

Risk Reduction
Zooming in on redundancies, we transform frailties into fortresses and precariousness into potency

Pronounced Plan
Positing of a unique, comprehensive structure predicated upon the nuances of your needs, sculpted around the inner workings of your property.

Context-Conducive Candidate
Selection of the ideal guard for your site based on experience, required skill-set and malleability to the milieu.

Implementation Intensive
Weaving of guards, operations into the fabric of your property. Ensuring seamless transition via systematic on-site job training and shadowing.

We don’t just sell security, we sell PEACE OF MIND – a good night’s sleep. Our biggest competitors, thus, are not other security companies but mattress manufacturers.